You are invited to the Graham Avenue BID’s 2023 Annual Meeting However, only registered members may vote at the Annual Meeting. Please fill out the registration form in the link below. Once we have verified the information, you will be added to the BID’s registered membership list. You must be a property owner, commercial tenant, or resident of one of the properties within our district boundary to register as a member and vote on all business to be conducted at the meeting. We will be voting on changes to our board of directors, discussing changes in the district, highlighting some initiatives, and toasting a few of our city agency partners. We have two special guests joining us –Raquel Olivares, Assistant Commissioner, Neighborhood Development Division and Captain Joseph Wernersbach, Commanding Officer at the 90th Precinct NYPD Date: Monday, December 11 Time: 4pm – 6pm Location: 2nd Floor, Boricua College, 9 Graham Avenue (off of Debevoise St) RSVP and Register at: Appetizers and drinks will be provided by Taqueria El Torito |

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