In Generously Sponsored by the Office of Councilwomen, Jennifer Gutierrez
Sign- up for Street Tree Care in your Community!
Want to be a good neighbor? Join us for just a few hours to care for our community’s
trees as part of our Earth Day celebration.
Sign-up for this “Street Tree Care” event hosted by Graham Avenue BID & Big Reuse
We will care for ours trees by cleaning, adding compost & mulch to our tree beds.
When: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 & April 25, 2023
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Location: Meet at 80 Graham Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11206
Just before 2pm outside the office of the Graham Avenue BID.
All supplies will be provided! Please dress comfortably for the weather and our work together.
Sign-up below:…/street-tree-care-w-graham…

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