Graham Avenue BID
Membership Registration Form
Your Graham Avenue Business Improvement District (BID) works to promote and enhance the commercial district of Graham Avenue, which relies on the active participation of its membership. BID membership is open to all property owners, commercial tenants, and residents within the district boundary.
Below is the Registration Membership Form. Once we have verified the information, you will be added to the BID’s registered membership list and be able to vote on our slate of officers during our annual meeting, which this year occurs on Monday, December 11th.
Note: You must be a property owner, commercial tenant, or resident of one of the properties within our district boundary (see map below).
- Email :
- Fill out electronically on our website at
- Mail or drop off to us at our address: 80 Graham Avenue, Suite 2A, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11206
This registration must be received by our office on or before Monday, December 4, 2022 to be able to vote at our Annual meeting.

Note: You must be a property owner, commercial tenant, or resident of one of the properties shown above
Please select the membership class for which you qualify: